Ok, let’s be honest:if you’re eating at Taco Bell, you’re probably not the most health conscious on the planet. In the college world, the most frequent customers of the sixth largest fast food chain only indulge themselves in a bean burrito or chicken quesadilla after taking down a few (or more) alcoholic beverages. However, apparently some people take their Taco Bell health more seriously, as the Alabama-based law firm Beasley Allen recently filed a class-action suit against the chain, alleging that Taco Bell’s filling was only 35-percent beef. The claim was recently dropped, and now Taco Bell is demanding an apology.
This advertisement appeared in many major newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the New York Times, just two days ago. The bold print ad is accompanied by a video of Taco Bell President Greg Creed in a campaign to clarify that that Taco Bell has “ALWAYS used 100% USDA-inspected premium beef” and that the recent lawsuit had absolutely no basis. Consequently, they would like a public apology from Beasley Allen.
Taco Bell is the last restaurant that one would expect to stand behind the integrity of their ingredients. After all, the chain has not been without its public relations disasters, with an E.Coli outbreak in 2006 and a viral video of enormous rats running through a New York City Taco Bell/KFC in 2007. However, maybe this shows why Taco Bell has launched such an aggressive campaign to defend themselves: this time, they really didn’t do anything wrong.
Some public relations professionals think Taco Bell is merely adding fuel to the fire and should just let the whole ordeal slip away. On the contrary, I find Taco Bell’s campaign to be a smart way for the company to defend itself, while telling people that their product is actually a lot more quality than they think. In either case, I don’t think drunk college students are going to care either way.
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