Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Mayonnaise Dividing America

Every commercial we watch usually does nothing but extoll the benefits of the product it is trying to sell, making it seem as if all our problems can be solved if we just open up our hearts (or wallets) to the latest sugary cereal, dating website, or nutritional supplement. It makes sense: advertising is intended to make people realize how much they will love a certain product or service. Knowing this makes Miracle Whip’s latest commercials ever more surprising. The premise? Miracle Whip is a polarizing product: people either hate it or love it. Which one are you?

The video ends with: “Are you Miracle Whip? Get a taste and Decide”. These commercials are ingenious. Somehow, even with people talking about how much they dislike the condiment, I wanted to go to the store and buy it to see which side I was on. Now, whenever anyone ever complains about the product, consumers will simply put them in the "hate it" category, and not view their opinion as a reflection of the brand itself. 

They also make the statement that Miracle Whip is “a little loud” and “a little tangy,” demonstrating that it is not just an ordinary mayonnaise. The commercial itself is a little loud, with people using humor to describe just how much they hate Miracle Whip. My favorite line? "It's like a lotion sandwich...who wants to eat a lotion sandwich?" I’m not sure if I’m Miracle Whip or not, but considering Pauly D doesn’t like it and apparently won't date a girl who does, I can take an educated guess....Are you Miracle Whip?

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