Saturday, March 12, 2011

Whoopi's Playful Poise

If you’re like me, you’re starting to get pretty tired of celebrity advertisements, particularly television commercials for beauty products starring the likes of Jessica Biel, or Halle Berry, or Eva Longoria. Ok, I get it, you’re impossibly beautiful, with smoldering eyes that intense close-ups only make even more smoldering, and flawless skin that manipulative lighting portrays as covered with some sort of angel dust. And I don’t care how many $15 mascaras or lip glosses with names like “Seductive Rose” I buy, there’s no way I’m going to look like that, and these commercials do nothing to convince me of this. Ok, enough with the rant. The point is, most celebrities endorse only products that increase their image of glamour and beauty. That’s why it was so refreshing to see Whoopi Goldberg’s new commercial for the product Poise, adult diapers made by Kimberly-Clark.
In the interest of full disclosure, I must make it clear that this is not a product that I yet require. I repeat: I do not wear diapers. However, the embarrassing fact for many older women today is that they do. Putting myself in their shoes, or in their diapers (sorry, bad joke), I’m sure it’s pretty uncomfortable to see any sort of advertisement that deals with bladder control. However, by using Whoopi Goldberg, a prominent celebrity, and, more importantly, her humor, Poise effectively put out an advertising campaign that made the problem that their product relieves just a little less uncomfortable. A funny and relatable commercial, Whoopi Goldberg’s advertising just made adding Poise diapers to their shopping carts just a little less embarrassing for the many women who will buy them.

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