Monday, February 7, 2011

Making the Most of Each Day With Groupon

Besides the obvious fact that I love coupons (who doesn’t?), there are many other reasons why Groupon is undoubtedly the brand that most clearly fits me. Groupon, a relatively new business venture, is just starting to grow as a company, just as I am as a person. However, one of the main characteristics that Groupon has developed is the idea of being fun and spontaneous, while being practical at the same time. With a new deal every day, consumers are encouraged to make impulse purchases, driving them to go eat places or do things that they might normally not. However, these new “adventures” are based in wise economical decisions that appeal to the sense of the consumer. I have always been one who loves to take chances and try new things, while still being responsible and making sure that I am making smart decisions. Groupon as a brand appeals to both of these sides of me. 
As one might not learn until they have actually utilized Groupon, it’s deals are not just limited to restaurants. The “deal of the day” in each city ranges from discounts on food to art exhibitions to sporting events to language classes. For example, just today Groupon’s Milwaukee deal offered a discount price on a game of ping pong. This diverse array of coupons mirrors the many interests that I hold in my life, from playing sports to performing in musicals to writing poetry. In my life, I hope to be as multi-dimensional as this brand has developed itself to be. 
Of course, I would be remiss if I neglected to mention the recent controversy over Groupon’s  commercials during the Superbowl (one of them can be viewed below). Admittedly, I can see how one could find the ads to be insulting, or even disrespectful. While “offensive” is surely not an adjective that I would use to describe myself, these ads are undeniably bold, just like me. I have always been kind of “out there” (surely one who played the sousaphone in their high school’s marching band while dressed up as the mascot could be described as such). The fact that I like to take risks and am not afraid to speak my mind coincides with Groupon’s daring new ads.

As Groupon continues to grow with its loyal followers, I myself continue to grow in my life here at Marquette and beyond. For both of us, no one knows just exactly what the future holds. However, until then, we'll be making the most of each day.

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